Quaternary Amine Sanitizer

This product is available in 5 gallon pails, and features a high dilution rate of 170:1 or ¾ of an ounce per gallon for sanitizing effectiveness. A single 5 gallon pail is capable of producing 850 gallons of ready to use product, making this sanitizer option the definitive go-to for large sanitizing jobs. Other major benefits of this type of sanitizer include: longer shelf life for concentrated/diluted product than other options available on the market, relatively no odor during application, and a less concentrated solution is needed to make a much larger ready to use formula than other options available in the market. Effective against the COVID-19 Virus, and many other strains of viruses. A 10 minute contact time is all that is needed to effectively sanitize contaminated surfaces. Storage recommendations for ready to use formula (after you have diluted concentrated form from original concentrate), is out of direct sunlight, low humidity, and preferably cooler temperature environments. If these standards are followed, a customer can expect the shelf life of this ready to use product to be several weeks. In the concentrated form if the same procedure is followed, customers can expect this tablet form to last years without any loss in sanitizing capability.